OMD is a New Zealand Media Communications Agency. For this project they were requiring illustrations in their pitch presentation for a client that deals with road safety and views against cyclists. They were particularly focused on getting the public away from using cars and towards other modes of transportation.

This involved visual representations of a) some non-car alternatives to cycling and their negatives, and b) the negative perceptions that people may have towards cyclists.

1) Pedestrian/Walking

Why people might not want to walk to work, in Wellington particularly?

This illustration drew attention to numerous aspects:

a) Wellington weather. High chance of wind and rain.

b) Surrounded by traffic. Dangerous, noisy, and inhaling petrol fumes.

c) The geography. Wellington has many hills and valleys. Not only can it be a long walk, but it can be a tiring and steep one.

2) Public Transport

Buses and trains are widely used in the Wellington region.

However, they can have numerous drawbacks, particularly in recent times:

a) Cramped with many other individuals on their to/from work, often uncomfortably within each other’s personal space. Contributes to the caged, claustrophobic rat race feeling that many get.

b) Can be expensive constantly paying for the cost.

c) The unreliability. Wellington’s current main public transport has become notorious for failing to be on time or even failing to turn up altogether.

3) The negative perspectives on cyclists themselves.

Cycling is good for the environment, an excellent way to get exercise, and is a low cost method of transportation. However, what perspectives on cyclists prevent people from becoming one?

a) An elitist group. There can be a perception of cyclists being spandex clad cliques with superiority complexes.

b) Careless and reckless. Cyclists in Wellington have a stereotypical reputation of being unsafe and disregarding road laws and users.

c) Initially expensive. Decent bikes can cost a lot, and aren’t something that everyone can afford.

By identifying and isolating the problems that deter people from using these non-car methods of transportation, the client can create solutions that remove or mitigate these issues.




The Drover